First the girls jumped on the trampoline, and then I made them take pictures with me.
So, Merinda was just thrilled at the opportunity...well, sort of... :/ ...
But, she's still smokin' hot! ;)
Cool, huh? :)
I LOVE MY SISTERS! Oh, gosh. They're so cute.
I told Merinda to go stand under the clock. Then I asked her, "What time is it?" She stared at the clock for a while then said "Four fifty-two." So I had to rephrase the question, or rather, demand, "No, *show* me what time it is."
We have discovered a reliever for walking up hills! Just have someone stand behind you, and push! :D
This picture was taken in someone's yard, and they looked out the window, so I whispered to the girls, "Hurry up, guys. Someone's watching us..."
Yay!! We made it back to the house!!
This is Merinda *not* posing. ;)
And Mikaela was making a "cute" face for the camera.
And I'm just naturally like this--all the time! :)

After pictures in the yard/garden, we went back inside, ate, played cards, then set off on our daringly adventurous walk!
I absolutely love the crosswalk signs here! The man has a HAT!! <3

"Oh." She raised her hands to the 10 o'clock position.
"No! Put your hand up a bit!" ...well, we eventually got it right-ish. :)

This is the "Caution: Children playing" sign...and Merinda chillin'.

And then we went on the balcony...