So today, I really didn't do much. Hannah and I watched Pirates of the Caribbean 3 (which I've already seen, and hate the ending by the way, but we watched it anyways), we read a bit, and Hannah finished her book, My Sister's Keeper. She said it was good, but then she cried a little, so I'm not sure...
We did go outside though. There's this bench swingy thingy outside, and we were there for like 40-50 minutes, and it was really nice outside.
And that's all about today, so I'll tell you what we did yesterday.
The day before yesterday Hannah said that she really wanted to go to the mall, so we decided that we would go yesterday (Monday).
We took the metro, or the subway--however you prefer-- to the center. We shopped for about 4 hours. Hannah found three different things: two dresses, and a skirt. I found a matching summer dress as her, but a different color. I think it's pretty cute. =)
During our shopping time, we ate at Kebab Palace in the mall. (It's not really a palace, so don't let it fool you.) We split one plate 'cause it was HUGE, and we ended up each only paying about 3.25 euros for it.
Shopping was fun, and the mall was insanely filled with stores, but we were soon tired out, so we decided to restock on candy and head home.
Getting back was fairly easy. It was the same as getting there, only opposite. Also the fact that we accidentally went onto the wrong platform threw me off. No worries, though--I knew you were worried--I read the signs as soon as we went down to the platform, and noticed immediately, and we made it to the right one before the metro came.
And so, that was our adventure. It was rather...great. I guess I'll keep you posted if anything else exciting happens. =) Here's the picture of the dresses! Post again soon! Love you guys!!
I'm glad you're having fun! and I love the dresses!!