Haha, I don't know if people still read this, since I haven't updated in... well, a really long time. But, just so that I'm satisfied with myself at the end of the year, I'll write a new post. :)
It's the end of another term: this week is finals. Lucky me, I only have a math final tomorrow, and that's it, then Christmas Break! Yay!
I'm thinking of taking a swedish class next term, just so that I might be able to understand a little of what everyone is saying when they switch languages on me. :P blah. I'll also be taking two spanish classes (it was my mom's idea.. thanks, mom). I'll continue with math, yipee. Let's see. I'm going to see if I can take another art class. Love art. A+++++. :D
Other than school, I'm just really excited for Christmas. We'll be spending a few days in Helsinki with the rest of the fam. My grandmother rented a photo studio, therefore.. we will have a professional family photo. The colors are red, and a creamy white, and we all have to wear jeans. It'll be adorable.
Last Saturday, Merinda and I walked to a nearby park, and took some fabulous winter pictures.

We had a Christmas concert at church last Sunday, where I played in a trio of "Carol of the Bells". It was fantastic. Merinda played the recorder to Silent Night, and Jonathan sang "Holy Night" and "Homeless", as a solo, then "Homeless" with an a cappella group.
Yesterday, no school, so I spent a few hours at the shopping center, then I went to pick up Mikaela from school, in the -20*C (-4*F) Let's just say, that I was REALLY REALLY COLD!!
That's how I'm doing in this cold country. Hope all of you are having a wonderful winter!!
I love the pictures!! you look so gorgeous!! I love you Girl!!!