It was fabulous, except for all of the stress from school... but, leading up to it, I made sure my family knew what I wanted for my birthday. Here is the e-mail I sent to my parents and sister.
What?! 71 ALREADY?!! Man, how time flies!!!
To whom it may concern:
As you know, one of the most important holidays is approaching. The day mere mortals celebrate the wonderful life of a most beloved individual. Yes, you know what that day is. It's Justin Bieber's birthday.
...and his twin's, of course--dearest Matilda ... (and her aunt Suzanne... *minor detail).
For those of you who may be uncertain as to what this mortal goddess would accept as an appropriate offering for all of her brilliance, beauty, and other... genius, never fear! For, there is a list irrevocably decreed on Goodreads, created by the beautiful mastermind herself.
This list includes the following:
-Blackbringer (by Laini Taylor)
-The Decoy Princess (Dawn Cook)
-Poison Study (Maria V. Snyder)
-Storm Glass (Maria V. Snyder)
-Courting Miss Lancaster (Sarah M. Eden)
-Bella at Midnight (Diane Stanley)
-Surrender the Heart (M.L. Tyndall)
-Eyes Like Stars (Lisa Mantchev)
-Wish (Alexandra Bullen)
-As You Wish (Jackson Pearce)
-The Morning Gift (Eva Ibbotson)
-Winning Mr. Wrong (Marie Higgins)
-Easterfield (Anna Jones Buttimore)
-Timeless Waltz (Anita Stansfield)
-Loyalty's Web (Joyce DiPastena)
-Luck of the Draw (Rachael Renee Anderson)
-What the Doctor Ordered (Sierra St. James)
-Finding Rose (Stephanie Humphreys)
-Love on Assignment (Cara Lynn James)
-Timeless (Alexandra Monir)
-Steel (Carrie Vaughn)
-Unearthly (Cynthia Hand)
-The Girl in the Gatehouse (Julie Klassen)
-The Apothecary's Daughter (Julie Klassen)
-The Blue Djinn of Babylon (Philip Kerr)
-The Cobra King of Kathmandu (Philip Kerr)
Also, the wonderful lady has read the following, but would love receiving them.
-The Ordinary Princess (M.M. Kaye)
-Austenland (Shannon Hale)
----and if there is a way to get Sini to find that one book... that would be great...
Of course, no pressure. However, the day is in less than two days, so don't feel too relaxed.
Also... Matilda was promised a CTR ring. Don't let her down.
Regards from the lady of the day.
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