Monday, March 12, 2012


Get this.
I have been 18 for 3. whole. weeks. ...tomorrow.

And already, I have:

Voted in the state primaries (yes, I am performin' my de-mo-crat-ic duties!)

Signed my own medical papers (no parental permission required)

Sent in my application for an apartment (without parent signature)

And had my wisdom teeth removed!!!

Boo-ya! I am just adult-a-ma-fying my life here. Woot woot!
Oh, and here's a little video I put together of my wisdom teeth adventure (because I was stuck in the house during recovery, with not much to do...)


  1. Matilda, this reminds me of the day your dad got his wisdom teeth pulled. He wasn't really very funny, either, but was sort of out of it. I wish I could have been there to hold your hand through your scary day.

  2. Matilda, this is the 4th time I have written this comment. They keep deleting on me...anyway, you are the funniest person alive! I love your blog and I love all the wonderful things you have to say ;-* You should start writing my blog for me so that I sound cool and super hilarious, too. Love you mucho!

  3. Thanks for the hand-holding offer, Grandma!! :) Haha, Merinda asked if she could hold my hand afterward, and I let her, and she was so excited that she took a picture of our clasped hands...well, my hand was pretty limp, but she was hanging on. :)

    Oh, Jen! Thanks for writing it several times!
    Wait, whaaaat? I love your blog!! I wish you had more time to write. You have a talent with words. It's wonderful to read. :) <3
