who add color to my life, encourage me, challenge me, and are wonderful examples of how I want to live.
My dad has shown me the importance of faith and dedication,
Mom has taught me that laughter is necessary,
Jonathan has inspired me to be ever diligent in serving others,
Merinda has--no, rather, she is--teaching me patience,
Mikaela has proven that imagination is something to be treasured.

(why, yes. That is a fruit roll-up and oatmeal box on our heads. :) )
who brought me popsicles and ice cream while I was recovering from my surgery (because 'surgery' sounds serious and tense) that eliminated my wisdom teeth.
(A special thanks to Trent, Angel, and Anne! :) )
...kids I babysit
who are so young, and yet have such unique personalities.
Yesterday, while playing with Bryce, he was swinging from a tree, and we heard a noise from the bushes.
Bryce: "Was that a cat?"
Me: "I don't know. Maybe."
Bryce: "There's a cat named Pretty-Pretty that comes in our yard."
He sees the cat in the bushes.
Bryce. "That's not Pretty-Pretty. What should we call this one?"
Me: "Hmm..how about...Gustaffa!?"
Bryce: "Ew. No, let's name it Silly-Kitty."

(We decorated cupcakes on Valentine's Day, and had a treasure hunt a few weeks ago.)
The kind that catches your ear :) ...

And touches your heart...

(Hair credit to Kimmi the all-awesome cosmetologist... and I don't really play the piano, but when I do, I play with my whole heart. ;) )

(Hair credit to Kimmi the all-awesome cosmetologist... and I don't really play the piano, but when I do, I play with my whole heart. ;) )
Admit it, Merinda teaches you more than patience. She's brilliant and clever. And this is a wonderful, beautiful post!