Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Last Week In Jyväskylä

The fact that we are actually going home soon has only just begun to sink in with our family. For a while it was out in the distance "yeah, we're going home...sometime..." Now that we've actually had to get rid of things, and have a major clean-out of the apartment, it doesn't seem so much of an idea anymore.
Last night, for a ward activity, we had a 'farewell party' for us and another family who are moving. It was at a family's farm. :)
Here I am making crepes. The mini frying pan was heavy, so I'm struggling to keep it over the fire, but not too close that the poor thing burns. ;)
When I saw the cows, I asked Mom if I could get a cow for my 17th birthday. I walked over to pet it, and it tried to eat my hand off. Mom said no. ...(but later, I was able to tempt the cow into letting me pet it, with a bit of good-looking grass.) This dog is just adorable--so is the kid, but ah! Love love love this big, fury, happy dog!!

:( So sad that to leave the amazing people in Jyväskylä. But, soon we'll be home, and that'll be wonderful. :)

Happy Tuesday!!
P.S. Big shout out to Emilie in France!! (Thanks for including me on your blog post!) Love you em!! <3

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

One Year Anniversary

As of today, we have officially been in Finland for a year. :)

Things are winding down: I took care of what I needed from school, school ended, summer started (hallelujah!), and we went to Youth Conference (Mom, Jonathan, and me), and now we're chilling.

Youth Conference was amazing! I'm so happy that I was able to go with my amigos here in Finland. :)
Some memorable moments: the disco the first night, painting my rock, the dance practice, the formal dance, sleeping on the floor...

Rocks! :) We were allowed to paint them however we wanted to, but were strongly "encouraged" to paint them as lions.... I thought it'd be cute, but my lion, didn't exactly turn out to be a lion after all... And there Pihla and I are showing our little creatures off. Focus on the rocks, not our faces... we weren't ready for the picture. ;)

Ah! It feels strange to think that we're leaving Finland, but I'm excited to go home! If only I could take my new buddies with me. :P

So, for the next two weeks, I will take in as much Jyväskylä to last me until we come back!