Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Summer Reading

When we got back, after a few days of recovering from sickness, followed by a few more days of nothingness, I came up with a few goals that I wanted to accomplish before school started.
But, as I say this, most of them were merely "suggestions" of what I might be able to do.
When I realized that I most likely wouldn't get to all of them, I added one more that I was positive I could achieve: To read 16 books.
Last Saturday, I reached this goal. Yipee!!
Which books, you may ask, would I risk my social life to read during summer?
Well, pretty much any book I could get my hands on. :D
*Two Princesses of Bamarre
*Sun and Moon, Ice and Snow
*The Hunger Games
*A Great and Terrible Beauty
*Adam's Story
*Rebel Angels
*Ariana: The Making of a Queen
*Ariana: A Gift Most Precious
*The Last Song
*Just the Way You Are
*A Pearl Among Princes
16!!! But, even after I had read these, there were still books that I have wanted to read, so I continued...
*Mara: Daughter of the Nile
*Catching Fire

Now, I would comment on all of these books, but... that would take a while, and quite frankly I'm feeling rather ADD right now. So, rather than waste my time, as well as yours, (but now that you're reading this dull explanation, you've just wasted more time...)
I'll tell you, instead, that I liked all of them. There were a few books that took forever to read, seeing how the author went on and on, and on.... about nothing really important (important, being defined as "emotionally entertaining, or necessary to the plot of the story according to Matilda") which was super duper frustrating.
And if that didn't keep me from reading, then the several text messages from (well, you know who you are) certainly delayed my finishing these books. (And, I mean that in the most friendly way.) ;)
Now. I still have time to continue, or rather, to try to read the books that I've been meaning to before school starts,
Next Tuesday.