We had a stake rollerblading activity. It was for 12+, so Merinda was able to come too! We skated for two hours, ate some food, and got all sweaty. Yum. My friend and I went the whole time without falling down, but then during the last song, she tripped and fell (minor detail...).
When we got home we were pooped! We made it to the couches, then passed out, and took a little nap. :)
Then we were able to go to a baby shower, and that was so. much. fun. I absolutely loved it!!
But, here's an important thing to consider from today: while we were driving to the activity, I kept watching my mom's speed, and helping her find the exits. I would give her feedback, "Nice turn--you're really confident on the road; let's ease up on that pedal; whoa! A bit of a lead foot, maybe?"
So, she said that if college didn't work out (here was where I thought she would say how she wants me to live at home and attend community college, but she didn't...), I could always become a driver's education teacher.
:) Yay.
Well, at least if my cat lady future doesn't work out, then I have something to fall back on.

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