I first noticed just how interlaced everything is at the beginning of the school year. I went from American history to European history, where they would mention some of the same people, or the same concepts. Then, I would go to my English class, and what do you know? We would talk about a specific word that I had learned just that day. Then I would go to Astronomy, and what would we talk about, but the history of astronomy, and some guy we had studied in European history that morning.
I know. You're probably thinking, "Whaaaat?!!? That's craa-azy." Yes, yes. It is. It's completely mind-blowing. But, don't worry. It wasn't a fluke. ...because it happened again.This quarter I'm taking a health class. And I love it! So far, we've talked about general health and wellness, and spirituality's role in health. Guess what. Some of the same things that we talked about in health class, we talked about in my history classes. And then some of the material on spirituality I had read in the health textbook, was described in General Conference (which you can watch or listen to here ).
It is truly amazing how pieces of our lives are fit together. That is something I was amazed by in my Astronomy class. We looked at the universe. Wow. I would think it a miracle how perfectly the orbits are aligned, how the moon is exactly the right distance from earth to be able to be in the earth's umbra (dark shadow) for a lunar eclipse, or to block the sun for a solar eclipse, I would think it all a complete miracle if I did not know for myself of Heavenly Father's infinite power.

Isn't it wonderful to think of what He has done for us? He made this Earth, with its ability to hold life, to hold us; He gave us the beauties that can be found in the rising sun, in the sound of chirping birds, in the fragrance of rain, in the rush of flowing water; and He gave us a way to return to Him, to experience glories that we are incapable of comprehending with our mortal minds, and He did so by allowing Christ to be sacrificed. Our Brother offered to take upon Himself the pains of the world--our pains, and mistakes, and sins--because He knew the momentousness of Heavenly Father's plan that required us to experience this mortal life. And He volunteered, giving all glory to God. Christ loves us enough that He paid the price.
So how do we plan to repay Him?
Happy Easter!
Niin kauniisti kirjoitettu! Olet VAU! - lahjakas!!! Ja mikä sanoma!! Kiitos!!