Wednesday, April 11, 2012

My Brother

This is my brother.

He's a cutie.

And he's kind and loving,

and shows support.

He's the kind of brother who will dance with his sister,

and face challenges with a challenge of his own,

and live to be worthy of the priesthood.

Now he's on his mission, proclaiming the gospel...wherever he can. :)

Yep. He's a keeper.
I love my brother.

P.S. I'm going to have a week of guest posts, and I am SO excited!! It will still be a few weeks, but look for it soon!


  1. Oh, he's a keeper alright! We LOVE that boy! :) Super cute tribute to him! :) You're a keeper as well. So, will you stay? OU would love to have you... No packing needed... Mama's cooking... ;) haha!

  2. <3
    Aw, thanks mom. You can keep Idaho. :)
